Orthodox Church serving Sheffield (Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox churches in Western Europe)
Lenten Services 2025
Schedule of upcoming services for Lent and Holy Week 2025
For more information about our services or for prayer requests, please contact us.
Our services are normally at Christ Church, 91 Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, S41 7JH (Please get in touch if you need more information). Refreshments after services.
Saturday 1st March – Vespers (Evensong) at 5:00pm.
Sunday 2nd March – Divine Liturgy at 10:30am. Forgiveness Sunday
The GREAT FAST (LENT) BEGINS - Mon 3rd March. (Tone III)
Monday 3rd March – Great Canon of Repentance (Pt. 1) at 6:30pm
Tuesday 4th March – Great Canon of Repentance (Pt. 2) at 6:30pm
Wednesday 5th March – Great Canon of Repentance (Pt. 3) at 6:30pm
Thursday 6th March – Great Canon of Repentance (Pt. 4) at 6:30pm
SUNDAY of ORTHODOXY - Sun 9th March (Tone IV)
Monday 10th March – Lenten Vespers (Evensong) at 6:30pm
Friday 14th March – Liturgy of the Presanctified at 6:30pm
SUNDAY of GREGORY PALAMAS - Sun 16th March (Tone V)
Sunday 16th March – Divine Liturgy at 10:30am.
Monday 17th March – Lenten Vespers (Evensong) at 6:30pm
Friday 21st March – Liturgy of the Presanctified at 6:30pm.
Saturday 22nd March – Vespers (Evensong) at 5:00pm
SUNDAY of HOLY CROSS - Sun 23rd March (Tone VI)
Monday 24th March – Lenten Vespers (Evensong) at 6:30pm
Friday 28th March – Liturgy of the Presanctified at 6:30pm
SUNDAY of JOHN CLIMACUS - Sun 30th March (Tone VII)
Sunday 30th March – Divine Liturgy at 10:30am.
Monday 31st March – Lenten Vespers (Evensong) at 6:30pm
SUNDAY of MARY of EGYPT - Sun 30th March (Tone VIII)
Sunday 6th April – Divine Liturgy at 10:30am. Eve of the Annunciation
Monday 7th April – Lenten Vespers (Evensong) at 6:30pm
Friday 11th April – Liturgy of the Presanctified at 6:30pm
The GREAT FAST (LENT) ENDS - Friday 11th April.
PALM SUNDAY; Неделя Ваий.
Sunday 13th April - Bridegroom Matins (Последование на Жениха) at 6:45pm.
HOLY MONDAY; Великий Понедельник.
Mon 14th April - Bridegroom Matins (Утреня) at 6:45pm.
HOLY TUESDAY; Великий Вторник.
Tue 15th April - Bridegroom Matins (Утреня) at 6:45pm.
HOLY WEDNESDAY; Великая Среда.
Wed 16th April - Holy Unction Service; (Соборование (Елеосвящение)) at 6:45pm.
Thu 17th April - Service of the Twelve Passion Gospels
(Евангелия последования святых страстей Господа нашего Иисуса Xриста)
at 6:45pm.
GOOD FRIDAY; Великая Пятница.
Fri 18th April - Removal of the Shroud; Вынос плащаницы at 4:00pm.
Fri 18th April - Lamentations by the Tomb; Утреня Великой субботы at 6:45pm.
++ PASCHA (19th to 20th April) ++
Sat 19th April: Midnight Office, Matins and Paschal Divine Liturgy (Пасхальное богослужение) starts at 11:00pm
Blessing of Food follows Matins for Pascha. Second blessing of food follows Divine Liturgy and Communal meal (bring-and-share).
Sun 20th April: Agape Vespers (Великая вечерня первого дня Пасхи) at 3:00pm.
Third Blessing of Food follows the service.